With the increase in demand for quality consumer goods and food products, it became necessary for the Company to address packaging needs. Prior to this, as with most other companies in Myanmar, product print packaging needs were met by foreign printing services due to a lack of such production capabilities in Myanmar.
To address this gap in the local market, Smart Printing Company was formed in 2010 to provide two types of packaging processes – Flexible Packing and Rigid Plastic Cans and bottles. Over the next few years, the company grew its business, and its growth soon caught the attention of an international printing company. This eventually led to a successful joint venture with Daibocho Myanmar in 2017, culminating in the incorporation of Daibochi Packaging Myanmar.
Daibochi Myanmar’s plant has also obtained certification in quality and food safety management, which will allow the Company to attract multinational corporations (MNCs) as potential clientele in the Food and Beverage (F&B) sector.