EAC Foundation

To give back to the community and to thank citizens who put their faith in EAC’s products, the Company set up the EAC Foundation in October 2013, with the main objective of making timely and essential donations to areas of need.

EAC Foundation has been supporting various sectors such as education, health, rural development, disaster response, as well as Non-Government Organizations.

Covid Donation

In the fight against COVID-19, EAC Foundation has been donating key equipment and supplies to Government Hospitals throughout the country, and is dedicated towards caring for the Myanmar community, especially in this time of need.

Europe & Asia Commercial Foundation

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities as Contribution to Community

FY 2011 to 2020

From FY 2011 to 2020, EAC Foundation supported various community efforts with donations towards school building, tube well, ambulance, and especially in flood inundated areas in Pakokku, Magway division which affected up to 1 million people in July 2015.
No Sector 2011-2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total(By Sector)
1 Rural Development 60,000,000 176,400,000 142,570,000 116,000,000 3,285,000 458,470,000 400,440,000 75,130,000 1,432,295,000
2 Education Sector 39,725,000 52,000,000 22,000,000 54,550,000 354,574,000 2,700,000 2,400,000 200,000 420,000 528,569,000
3 Health Sector 22,500,000 41,000,000 154,500,000 17,100,000 19,700,000 4,500,000 29,500,000 635,363,166 924,163,166
4 Disaster Relief Sector 24,700,000 2,000,000 138,423,500 1,000,000 2,000,000 166,323,500
5 Donation to Charitable NGOs 72,410,000 14,600,000 23,935,750 15,000,000 50,000,000 175,945,750
Total (Annually) 99,725,000 348,010,000 222,170,000 463,473,500 398,894,750 481,870,000 7,100,000 445,140,000 760,913,166 3,227,296,416
Grand Total : Three billion two hundred twenty-seven million two hundred ninety-six thousand four hundred sixteen MMK
No Sector 2011-2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total(By Sector)
1 Rural Development 60,000,000 176,400,000 142,570,000 116,000,000 3,285,000 458,470,000 400,440,000 75,130,000 1,432,295,000
2 Education Sector 39,725,000 52,000,000 22,000,000 54,550,000 354,574,000 2,700,000 2,400,000 200,000 420,000 528,569,000
3 Health Sector 22,500,000 41,000,000 154,500,000 17,100,000 19,700,000 4,500,000 29,500,000 635,363,166 924,163,166
4 Disaster Relief Sector 24,700,000 2,000,000 138,423,500 1,000,000 2,000,000 166,323,500
5 Donation to Charitable NGOs 72,410,000 14,600,000 23,935,750 15,000,000 50,000,000 175,945,750
Total (Annually) 99,725,000 348,010,000 222,170,000 463,473,500 398,894,750 481,870,000 7,100,000 445,140,000 760,913,166 3,227,296,416
Grand Total : Three billion two hundred twenty-seven million two hundred ninety-six thousand four hundred sixteen MMK
No Sector 2011-2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total(By Sector)
1 Rural Development 60,000,000 176,400,000 142,570,000 116,000,000 3,285,000 458,470,000 400,440,000 75,130,000 1,432,295,000
2 Education Sector 39,725,000 52,000,000 22,000,000 54,550,000 354,574,000 2,700,000 2,400,000 200,000 420,000 528,569,000
3 Health Sector 22,500,000 41,000,000 154,500,000 17,100,000 19,700,000 4,500,000 29,500,000 635,363,166 924,163,166
4 Disaster Relief Sector 24,700,000 2,000,000 138,423,500 1,000,000 2,000,000 166,323,500
5 Donation to Charitable NGOs 72,410,000 14,600,000 23,935,750 15,000,000 50,000,000 175,945,750
Total (Annually) 99,725,000 348,010,000 222,170,000 463,473,500 398,894,750 481,870,000 7,100,000 445,140,000 760,913,166 3,227,296,416
Grand Total : Three billion two hundred twenty-seven million two hundred ninety-six thousand four hundred sixteen MMK
EAC Corporate Social Responsibility refers to activities that are undertaken to create a positive effect on society and the community. EAC guarantees to work ethically, human rights as well as the social, economic, and environmental impact.
Basic Education Post Primary School, No. 44, Hlaingtharyar, Yangon Division.
Donation of School Building at Yap South, South Shan
Donation – Delivery Room at Maternal and Child Welfare Association in Magwe
Ambulance Vehicle Donation to Moe Myitta, Pyai Township, Bago
Ambulance Vehicle Donation to Bawa Ah Lin Yaung Public Service (NGO), Hnintada Township, Yangon

Tube Well Donation in Kayin State

Tube Well Donation in Bago